Take it to the next level

The HKM Instructor Course is the full program for becoming an instructor to be able to spread HKM. Tconsists of three phases covering a total of 19 days and is designed to ensure that you confidently and professionally can teach the HKM system.

One of the foundations of the HKM system is that Skills build confidence. This means that the instructor course and general training with students will be built on building skills in the practitioner, at the time of need you should know that the right skill is there.

This makes Hybrid Krav-Maga a hybrid fighting and self-defense system developed to maximize the efficiency of the practitioner to survive any type of situation in any type of context with an individualized approach to movement.

The Instructor program HKM Instructor is divided into the three phases and time in between where you are expected to hone your skills as an practitioner and instructor by training, assisting and teaching at your local school. To complete the journey, you will have to complete all three phases. All three phases are finished with a teaching test and a skill test.

Note that we expect all our instructors to continuously keep on improving their skills.

The instructor Course is just the beginning …

Stay on!

Who can join the HKM-IC

HKM-IC is designed to teach the participants to practice and teach Hybrid Krav-Maga to students in their existing schools or people that wants to start a new HKM School.

The course is designed to help active HKM/KM with a level of  HKM W3 (P3 in major KM-org) or Martial artists/Combatives Coaches  with 3 years of experience and a good general knowledge and skill of movement, striking and grappling.

The main reason for targeting this demographic with the HKM-IC when designing this course is consistency in delivery of information to the end users, the students.

Since the HKM Instructor is the ambassador for HKM to the local students and environment we want to make sure that he/she is embodying that spirit and fits that profile. Therefore a successful Personal interview/skill test (online or in person) with a HKM representative is required to join any of the HKM courses that produce instructors.

General Requirements for HKM-IC/TC

  • Legal age in the local country.
  • *15 years of age, with recommendation from instructor and parental consent (Can only finish as assistant instructor and has to teach with licensed instructor)
  • No criminal record or affiliations
  • Good physical abilities
  • HKM Level: W3 (P3 in major KM-org)
  • Martial artists/Coaches with 3 years of experience and good general knowledge and skill of movement, striking and grappling
  • Successful Personal interview/skill test (online or in person)

What will you learn in the HKM-IC

In HKM a very strong focus is placed upon efficiency of movement and solving the problem with the means the practitioner has at hand to solve it. Efficiency precedes form and personal abilities has a big impact on performance.

The HKM-IC will give you the tools and professional knowledge to deliver training snd solution to your students in a professional way.

Some of the subjects in the course are Behavior driven responses, platform, striking, stand up wrestling, clinch, grappling, takedowns, efficiency of movement, adapting solutions to the personal prerequisites of the practitioner. How to train at the right intensity to maximize learning. The usage of pressure testing and sparring as they is the driving forces to make HKM a realistic, effective, complete fighting and self-defense system.

HKM has a scalability that makes it suitable for as many different groups as possible without losing the effectiveness for the group at hand.

Some of the subjects of the HKM-IC

  • Behavior driven responses
  • Platform and movement
  • Striking
  • Stand up wrestling
  • Clinch
  • Grappling
  • Takedowns
  • Efficiency of movement
  • Adapting solutions to the personal prerequisites of the practitioner
  • How to train at the right intensity to maximize learning.
  • The usage of pressure testing, sparring and competition for improvement
  • The skills and understanding of teaching the HKM Curriculum
  • Professional knowledge on how to plan and run your classes
  • The Ecological/Constraints Led Approach for teaching and training
  • The importance of pressure testing
  • The importance of individualized movement patterns
  • Grappling vs striking. Pros and cons
  • The HKM approach to striking
  • The HKM approach to levels and progression in ranks
  • The HKM approach on division to Subjects
  • The HKM approach to names of solutions
  • The HKM approach to combining drills
  • Upgrading/removing solutions
  • Choosing the right solutions based on situation and individual preferences
  • HKM Levels and testing
  • Understanding the HKM Curriculum

Whats in the package

You joining the HKM community of instructors and schools is something we are very proud of and take very seriously.

In HKM we will always have an open and direct communication with the community and we want to make sure that you have a chance to add from your experience to the community. Our goal is to have an open and flat organisation where we can help each other grow and improve to be able to spread the system to the people that need it.

Therefore we have put together a package that we think reflect that idea and goal.

The successful participation of any of the parts of the HKM-IC includes a one year Instructor licence and membership. 

The HKM Instructor Package

The successful participation of any of the parts of the HKM-IC includes a one year Instructor licence and membership. 

As a Licensed HKM School owner/Instructor you will have access to:

  • The right to use the HKM Logo and branding for website and training clothes.
  • Your details on the HKM web site
  • Direct contact to HKM HQ
  • Support through HKM HQ and the HKM Community
  • Being part of the HKM Community
  • Updated digital assets, video library
  • International Instructor Updates (you choose the location from the HKM Calendar)
  • Unlimited training days/Year (On-Site & Online)
    • Updates
    • Instructor Courses
    • Selected Workshops/Seminars/Camps
  • Monthly Instructor workshops and discussions (Online)
  • A printed certificate, upon successful completion
  • Certifications valid for two years

Becoming a HKM Instructor

  • HKM-IC LVL 1 - 7 days

    The first part of the HKM-IC

    Possibilities for joining
    • Online
    • In-person


    HKM Lvl1 Instructor

  • HKM-IC LVL 2 - 7 days

    The Second part of the HKM-IC

    Possibilities for joining
    • Online
    • In-person


    HKM Lvl2 Instructor

  • HKM-IC LVL3 - 5 days

    The Third part of the HKM-IC

    Possibilities for joining
    • In-person


    HKM Lvl 3 Instructor

How does it work

HKM want to remove as many logistical obstacles as possible for you to to be able to join the courses and workshops. Therefore we will offer part of the HKM-IC in-person or online.

HKM is a fighting and self-defense system and the physical aspekt of that environment is something that has to be there in training to ensure that the students understand the chaos that happens in violent conflict. Both the in-person and online versions of HKM courses are designed to ensure that the participants experience that as part of their training.

Requirement for online training

  • At least two paying participants eligible for the course
  • A stable internet connection
  • A good quality webcam that ensures full view of the training area
  • All required training equipment

The process

  • Contact us

    Contact us through the form on the contact page o through the email below.


  • Interview

    We schedule an online meeting over zoom

  • Register

    We register you for the course, this will be done through our web shop

  • Attend the course

    Attend the course and train with a minimum of one other registered candidate for the course. This can be done online or in-person depending on the courses listed on the site and geographical location.

  • Certify

    At the end of the course you will be tested on the newly acquired skills to make sure that the right material is shared with your students.

  • Start teaching HKM

    Congratulations! You are now a certified HKM Instructor and can start teaching the system to your students.

Sign up here!

Fill out the form to start the process

7 + 1 = ?

Pressure testing

HKM is a developing system and will continue to be so. Solutions and methods in the system must continuously prove themselves to stay in the system.

Anything that does not meet the standards of surviving pressure testing under realistic conditions of violent confrontation will be reinvented or removed. Realistic sparring and scenario based training will be a natural part of learning and pressure testing solutions, as well as applying solutions against non-compliant opponents.

Thinking practitioners

In HKM a very strong focus is placed upon efficiency of movement and solving the problem with the means the practitioner has to solve it. Efficiency precedes form and personal abilities has a big impact on performance.

Behavior driven responses, platform, striking, stand up wrestling, clinch, grappling, takedowns, efficiency of movement and the personal prerequisites of the practitioner. Constant pressure testing and sparring is the driving forces to make HKM the most realistic, efficient, and complete fighting and self-defense system on the planet. HKM has a scalability that makes it suitable for as many different groups as possible without losing the effectiveness for the group at hand.


4 pillars

To cover all aspects needed for a effective Fighting and Self-defence system to work in a environment where there the differences between physical attributes of the participants is not taken into consideration training has to cover all 4 pillars to minimize the differences as much as possible.


This pillar covers all the technical skills and solutions to deal with the problems that might arize.


This pillar overs all the tactical skill and solutions to deal with the problems that might arize.


To be effective in physical conflict a practitioner has to be in as a good of a physical condition as possible.


The mental aspect of dealing with violent is extremely important. The knowledge and understanding that your Technical, Tactical and Physical skills has been maximized to help you avoiding or surviving violent conflict will build your mental fortitude.


Violent conflict is an ever changing environment of chaos. Erratic, changing, momentarily decided by circumstances that is out of our control.

To combat this we have to spend time in it and learn to control it, to embrace the chaos as part of our environment.

We have to learn to take control of what is available to us in the moment and then work to improve on that. Get closer to the core of the problem and deal with it with the tools available to us

All training in violent conflict has to involve the element of chaos to be realistic.

Hybrid Krav-Maga utilizez chaos as a tool and let the students learn to embrace it as part of training by spending time in it.

Learn to control chaos by embracing it.